The Scottish Connection
previously known as "Barry's Edinburgh gang"
has been in existence since 1983.
Our primary aim is to get local Barry fans in touch with one another, and we have been very successful with this! We also try to keep everyone up-to-date with Barry news especially among fans in Scotland...
Scottish Connection -- Charity Information
We Proudly Support...

Childline is a service/helpline for children and young people in danger or in trouble.
Scottish Connection -- Membership Information
Club Membership fees are £7 for U.K. residents and (the equivalent of) £12 for fans overseas.
Membership includes four newsletters/year (with emphasis on humor). We have a Barryline for sending urgent messages about Barry, and there's also a membership pack!
created February 8, 1997 | last updated February 15, 2006
©1997-2006 The BarryNet