September 25, 2004 | Barryokee Night |
October 23, 2004 | Barry's Angels Halloween Party |
November 25, 2004 | Toy Drive Kick-Off / Operation Christmas Tree Fundraiser |
December 18, 2004 | Barry's Angels Holiday Party |
Winner of the Barry Vegas Getaway to benefit the Aids Assistance Program in Palm Springs, CA:Cathy Boynes of Bronx, NY!
Cathy wins a two-day, one-night stay for two at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada... AND two great seats to the event of the year: Barry Manilow's "One Night Live" at the Mandalay Bay Resort!!
AAP and Barry Manilow's Los Angeles local fan club, Barry's Angels, wish to thank EVERYONE who participated in the raffle. All money received benefits the voucher program of AAP.
On December 16, 2003... The AIDS Assistance Program held its annual Toy Distribution for children from low income families. Our fan club donated over 70 toys and $500 in cash from our members from across the county. The administration from AAP was overwhelmed by the generosity of all the Barry fans.
Barry heard about our donation and sent us all a personal message through a friend of his. I was so shocked to know that he was so moved by the gesture. It goes to show that our guy Barry loves to hear of his fans coming together for a worthy cause. He wanted us to know that he was touched by our participation.
The children were really great. AAP provided a clown to entertain the children and they also had a face painter. The kids were so excited to be receiving gifts.
For most of these children, these are the only gifts that they will receive for the holidays. When they walked in, every child received a stocking filled with candy and fruit. They got to eat to their hearts delight on sandwiches and pizza. Each child was then given his or her toys. Then the smaller children were allowed to come to the stage and pick out a stuffed animal. |
At the end of the program, two bikes were raffled off along with two decorated Christmas trees. I was really moved to tears when one of the winners told me that she had not been able to buy a tree because they were so expensive. She was delighted because the artificial tree she won could be used for many years to come and her children would always have a Christmas tree.
I would like to thank all of you who participated in the toy drive. It was a huge success. Special thanks to my co-Director Karen Voyles. Her husband and daughter came along to help. We all had a wonderful time.
Special thanks to Wayne Fleisher and Jeffrey of AAP for allowing us the opportunity to participate in such a great event.
Maria G. Ortiz
January 20, 2004
Barry's Angels INFORMATION
Los Angeles, California
Director: Maria Ortiz
Co-Director: Karen Voyles

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