Barry Manilow Fan Club

Manilow's Music for Kids Announcements

November 2007

Manilow's Music for Kids is proud to announce that we were able to purchase three high-quality rental returns with the money raised from our latest fundraiser (a total of $859.65). We purchased two cornets and one trumpet and they are already in the hands of elementary children. A big THANK YOU to Dan who made it possible to purchase the instruments at a huge discount.

To date, we have raised $6,000 and have used every penny to donate a total of 22 instruments to local school districts. What a thrill to see our dream realized of getting instruments into the hands of elementary-aged children!

Manilow's Music for Kids

Manilow's Music for Kids' mission is to put instruments into children's hands. Since we started fundraising in 2001, we have raised $5,140.35 and have purchased 19 instruments which were donated to local school districts. (100% of the money raised was spent on instruments.) We appreciate the support we have received in the past and count on future support to keep our dream alive of sharing the gift of music.

Manilow's Music for Kids also supports Operation Christmas Child. This charity involves donating shoe boxes filled with items such as toys, toothbrushes & toothpaste, soap, school supplies, etc. The shoe boxes are then shipped to orphans in South America.

For Information About
e-mail Lisa MacKenzie at

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